About me…

Welcome to my website, a landing place for my thoughts, ideas and recommendations. I am a corporate communicator at one of Canada’s largest banks. It’s a great role where I can use all of the skills I’ve developed over three decades in the business but I also learn something new almost every day and that’s cool. I never stop learning.

I’m a mother of two perfectly imperfect teenagers who have a lot to teach me if I’m willing to listen. When I’m not working, you can find me at the beach, walking in the forest, reading by the lake or searching for turtles (my spirit animal if such a thing exists). I also enjoy travelling to other countries to walk in their forests and swim in their oceans. So basically I’m about communicating, parenting, forests and beaches.

With various degrees of success, I am trying to slay my chaos, manage my anxiety, stick to my boundaries and live more authentically. All of those things are much harder than they sound and I write about them in my blog, The Pragmatic Spiritualist. I hope you enjoy your visit to my site, I appreciate your thoughts on my posts and feel free to connect with me on social.


About this photo: I have more than one favourite tree but this one is special as it’s close to home and was a source of comfort in the pandemic